Thursday 18th April 2024, 8pm. Leeds Lieder Festival

THursDAY 18th april 2024, 8PM

The Venue, Leeds Conservatoire, 3 Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7PD

James Gilchrist (tenor) Anna Tilbrook (piano)

Quilter – Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Fear no more the heat o’ the sun, Under the Greenwood tree

Fauré – Green, Les roses d’Ispahan, Automne, Aurore, Le papillon et la fleur

Lili Boulanger  – Four songs from Clarières dans le ciel 

Mahler – Ablosung im Sommer, Des Antonius von Padua, Rheinlegendchen, Lob des hohen Verstands

Muriel Herbert – Renouncement, The Lake Isle of Innisfree, To Daffodils

Quilter – Now sleeps the Crimson Petal, To daisies, A last year’s Rose, O mistress mine

Box office: 0113 222 3434